Sara's Sentiments

Random thoughts of yesterday,today and tomorrow...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

So close, yet the season is over.

As much as I would have loved to see the New England Patriots win on Sunday night, I have to say that I'm a little relieved that they lost. It would have been awesome to see them win the AFC Championship and go to their 4th Superbowl in 6 years, not a bad track record! It also would have been great to go to a Congratulatory Parade for the Pat's, no doubt about it. And I'm sure the team would have loved to win another Superbowl and have another ring to add to their collection. But I honestly have to say that last night's nail-biter is not something I would like to repeat. I think going to a Superbowl party on February 4th, will be a little bit more less-intense. My eye's won't be as glued to the TV as they would be if the Pat's were playing and I can enjoy myself. Pat's fans won't have to splurge on hundreds or thousands of dollars worth of tickets, plus airfare, plus hotel. But I'm sure they would rather spend the money if it meant the Pat's would go to the Superbowl. The beginning of Sunday nights game was great, obviously, because they were winning. But then half time came around and they all of a suddenly weren't doing so well. The Bears scored a touchdown with

Friday, January 19, 2007

Charlie Card Mitten - What will they think of next?

A local T-rider has just invented something that some people will think is a great idea and some people will fin "unneeccessary". Colleen, who rides the T every day from Jamaica Plain (JP) to Government Center every morning, instead of reading the paper and drinking coffee like the average T commuter does, she knits. She made hats and scarves and recently, her claim to fame is now The Amazing Charlie Card Mitten. It's a regular mitten, but it has a small pocket on the outside, which is slightly larger than the Charlie Card and a button for closure. Since the new subway cards were made, all you have to do is wave your card in front of the machine instead of sliding it through like a credit card. Afraid of losing them? Colleen has attached a string to the mittens that easily attach to the buttons on your caot or jacket. A lot of people think is a great idea. Some people think it's unneccessary if you carry a wallet in which all you have to do is take the wallet out and wave it in front of the machine. But for others, instead of fishing through their bags or purses to find their wallets, the card fits snug inside the pocket of the mitten. I do not ride the T very often, so I would not need them, but I do know plenty of people who could use a pair of these!
Colleen is not into making these for a little extra dough on the side. She has created a link for

Thursday, January 18, 2007

and the bashing continues...

Another thing... hey, I'm on a roll now! I read everyday. I get the magazine, which I love, but sometimes I just like to read the very latest on those celebrities. It looks like Rosie O'Donnel is at it again, and so is Trump. This time, it's not each other. Trump is accusing Tom Brady of The Apprentice's low ratings. He thinks that there was plenty of other T.V on last Sunday that was just as good as a football game. The Donald is just trying to blame the lowest rating's he's ever gotten, on someone else, and since Football was what everyone was watching on Sunday, he chose to pick on Tom. Although, he can't since the game was over at 8:30 and the The Apprentice was not on until 9, so he has no one to blame, but himself.

Rosie on the other hand is now busy bashing American Idol judge's. I agree with her in the sense that the judge's are in fact a little harsh on the singer hopefulls. Simon Cowell, is known for his nototorius insults, Randy has been known to agree with Simon and join in on the bashing and Paula Abdul, well, she's just in her own little world these days. I personally did not watch either day of the 2 hour premiere, but from what I have read, it seems as though they are only showing the one's that cannot sing but think they can. This season's premiere was watched by 37.3 million viewers. Not too shabby. I did see a few that they had shown previews of and if they got much worse than those people shown, I'm having a little doubt that the one who wins in May, is really American Idol worthy. There are some people who should save the embarrassment of going on national television simply because they think they can sing, and no one has bothered to tell that they cannot. In the end, it's their own fault. But Simon does not have to be so cruel, even if he has to live up to his well known reputation. And as much as Paula has been a little out there in the past year, she really is the only one who let's the contestants down lightly. Maybe it's the drugs... or the alcohol. Either way, these people have feelings and when it's national television, the only way to prevent them from getting hurt before going in front of these judge's is to tell them they truly cannot sing!

The contestants who cannot sing, really shouldn't go on the show, but then again, that's what makes the show so entertaining. Then again, if you are a bad singer and you think you're good? You have every right to be made fun of. The critics are with Rosie on this one, and so am I.

How are you?

Today I am going to put up 3 posts instead of just one. I was walking to our cafeteria here at work for lunch today with some co-workers, and we were walking in back of a guy who passed by some people that he knew. The guy said to the people he knew, "Hi, how are you?" and they simply answered back, "good! how are you". The guy answered back with a "good"and they both continued to walk their separate ways. I thought to myself, when someone is asked how they are, how many people out there are not okay and then proceed to tell the person who asked. If the person being asked is doing horribly, are they supposed to say, "jeez, I'm really not doing well at all... in fact, I'm really bad". Usually in passing, it's just a common courtesy to ask someone how they are. Most people say they are good, or fine and they keep on walking. But I wonder how many people there are out there who actually say that they aren't doing well. I wonder if the person who asked in the first place will go one step further and ask why they aren't doing so well. That person obviously wants to talk about their problem, and because the other person asked, their "passing by' has now turned into a therapy session.

So, how are you?

My apologies Dr.King, I didn't mean to disrespect you.

In my most recent birthday post, I stated that I usually share a birthday with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I think I came off as kind of greedy, wanting my own birthday. I think having a birthday so close to MLK, Jr is pretty cool, and hey, if it weren't for him, I'd have to work on every birthday! Not only was he a great achiever, but he was a role model and one that I am proud to share a birthday with, when it does fall on my actual birthday. Birthday's in general for me are just ok. I spent it with some great people that made it a special day. I think it's the one day that goes by the fastest because it's your day, but it's only 1 day. You get whatever you want (within reason of course), people give you cards and presents and although you don't actually feel any older (sometimes), whether you look it or not, it's a day to look forward to. Plus, it's one thing to share a birthday with a family member, but to share it with a celebrity, it's not all that bad.

So, thank you to my commenters (if that's even a word!) for making me realize that sharing a birthday with the King, aint all that bad!

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

You say it's your birthday!?

Okay, I'm a day late this week. Almost every long weekend flies by for me. I don't know if it's because I'm normally in the Berkshire's for long weekends or if I'm usually just busier on long weekends, but this past MLK weekend was actually a long weekend for me. The extra day really felt like an extra day. I didn't need an extra day to get things done, but it was certainly nice to have it. It sort of felt like a freebie since I didn't have any plans. It was nice. I slept in nice and late, had dinner with todd and his sister Lori at Not Your Average Joe's, which I must give full props to. That place is really good. Like most restaurants, they give you bread, but Joe's gives you a focacia bread with a parmesan, garlic & oil dipping sauce which is eventually going to be the main reason I like going so much. My dad had given Todd and I a gift card that someone had given him and since he knew that Todd and I would have more use for it, we used it. Yesterday was our second time going and we used enough of the gift card to have a little left over for the possibility of going there for dessert one day or night. We'll see though.
Also, if you know me well, I'm not one to gloat about birthdays. I, unlike most people, don't really care much about them. I think it's because I hate to get older. Especially once you hit 30, they're just not that exciting. I have spent most of my birthday's sharing them with Dr. Martin Luther King, which falls on a Monday. Yesterday, however, was the first time in about 3 years that I had to work on my birthday. But I do have to say, that I like to have my own birthday every once in a while (yes, I know there are plenty of others who share the same birthday!) Although Martin Luther King's birthday is actually January 15th, it has fallen on the 16th every few years. We went out with my best friend and her husband to a place in Cambridge called The B-Side Lounge, which we saw on The Phantom Gourmet on Saturday. They have a "B-Side" dish which is salted french fries with blue cheese dressing on top. We ordered some and wanted more since they were so good! I'd go back just for the fries! We like to try new things, but unfortuately it doesn't happen very often. But now that I have a new car with a navigation system, we don't have to worry about getting lost!

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Donald v.s Rosie vs Barbara Walters

Is anyone as sick of hearing The Donald and Rosie's fueding as I am? I think enough is enough and they both need to grow up. The argument that was once about second chances has now turned into who's insults are more harsh. If you have lived under a rock the past few weeks, Tara Connor, the winner of the Miss USA beauty pageant, was almost de-crowned because she was caught partying a little too hard in New York. Miss USA is considered to be a role model for all young (even older) girls, and that means no drinking, or at least drinking irresponsibly. No one is perfect, everyone has a drink or 2. But when you crowned at Miss USA, you need to think before you put a drink in your hand, regardless if you're actually drinking it. The Donald, who co-owns the Miss Universe Pageant, could easily have fired Tara for her recent actions. Instead, he chose to give her a second chance and let her keep her crown. Apparently Rosie O'Donnell thinks that Trump is a "snake-oil salesman" for doing so. Bring it on, Rosie, bring it on! Since that comment was made on The View, the fiery comments have been fired back and forth. Rosie called Trumps hair "Bad", which was real original. Trump called Rosie a "fat pig" and then told the AP that he would rather be called a "fat pig" than be told you have "bad hair". Of course Donald... whatever you say, is always better than what anyone else has to say. Rosie's "View" co-host Barbara Walters has now gotten involved and the three of them need to just settle this once and for all. The Donald think's that everything he touches, turns to gold. Well, since this whole fueding has begun, Trumps, "The Apprentice" had it's lowest ratings ever. Who knows if this whole thing has anything to do with the low ratings, but I really don't care anymore. Rosie needs to stop bringing up the "D" word on The View, Barbara Walters needs to butt-out, and Donald needs to work on getting his Apprentice ratings back up. Besides, no one knew who Tara Connor was until this whole thing happened. She had her 15 minutes of fame, so let's all get on with our lives, stop calling eachother names and grow up!!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Tigger Clarification

Okay, my earlier Tigger posting has been completely shot down. Let me clarify something. I obviously wasn't there, I only saw the home video that was played about a hundred times on the news. It LOOKS like Tigger hit him, but it's also very possible that the kid did some provoking. I've never known Tigger or any other Disney character for that matter to be violent. The family knows the truth about what happened, if anything at all. I only said that he would probably have to issue an apology to save the reputation of the company and it's characters, that's all! I could honestly care less about the story, but since it was making the news for 2 days, I thought I'd bring it up. I still think Tigger rocks, no doubt about it.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wanted: A New Job!

Recently, I have found that looking for a new job is a whole job in it's self. It's really a tough thing to do, especially if you're at work all day. And since my job requires the use of a computer, the last thing I want to do when I get home, is to even look at my computer. But it's the only way it's going to get done if it help to find a new job. I have been in my current job for 2 years and I really have only liked it for about 1 of them. My company does not make it easy to advance and I find that really hard to accept. I love the company I work for, it's a great place, and I would love to stay here, but they certainly do not make that easy. And the worst part about looking for another job, is that I really don't know what I want to do, since I really don't want to continue doing what I'm doing now. I am an Account Manager, which of course like any other job out there, has it's good days and bad days, but I've definitely had enough. When I first started this job, I was taking over the position of a girl who was leaving the company to work for a different. And I thought to myself, why would she want to leave - it's a great place! Well, now I know! So, if anyone who is reading this, works for a company that his hiring to fill a somewhat fun/creative position, let me know!!!!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Please, no more cavities!

I'm on a roll and I think I'm doing well so far, sticking to my blog resolution.

I went to the dentist today, one of my least favorite places to go, but I guess if I want a toothache to go away, it's the place to go. The last time that I went to the dentist, I thought I was going to have a root canal, but my dentist managed to fix the problem. This time it wasn't much of an issue. However, I don't seem to hold novacaine very well, or at least I should say it doesn't last very long. I had to have a few shots tonight and it still wore off before my dentist was done. I don't know if any of you have felt a cavity being filled when Novacaine wears off, but it hurts!! I try to hold it out as much as I can, but why should I be in pain if I know that all it takes is a small shot and I won't feel anything? I just wish it lasted longer.

My brother on the other hand, he's 37 and he's going to the same dentist tomorrow for the first time in about 4 years. 4 years!!! I think I went about a year in between dentists, and I thought that was a long time!! He's not a fan of pain (who is!?) and will be sedated during his cleaning. Being the younger sister and not needing to be sedated, I felt the need to poke a little fun at him, through my mother of course. As much as I was tortured when I was little by my 2 older brothers when I was little, I still feel like I should be the bigger person in this situation, and just wish my brother good luck and of course have our mother hold his hand during the process. In all seriousness, I know some people need to take medication to ease their nerves, which is fine if you're going to have a cavity filled or other major work done. But I have to say, I dont think I've heard of anyone having to be sedated during a cleaning. Good luck big bro!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Oh Tigger... Keep your paws to yourself!

If you've been to Disney World recently watch out for Tigger. Jerry Monaco, a visitor from New Hampshire, took his son Jerry Jr to Walt Disney World and wanted to take a picture of his son with Tigger. He was also being video taped by his father when Tigger apparently hit Jerry in the face. Whether it was unintentional or not, the situation is being investigated. Why would Tigger hit someone? Jerry's father was sure that his son provoked him to do so, but after carefully looking at the video, it seems clear that it was done out of nowhere.

In 2004, a Disney World employee dressed as Tigger was accused by another family of touching the breast of a 13 year old girl. Tigger was not found guilty and most likely won't be found guilty in the recent case either. I'm sure he'll have to issue some sort of an apology to Jerry and life will go on.

Friday, January 05, 2007

New York Hero's

Wesley Autrey, a 50 year old construction worker is definitely just an average person who no one ever knew about until this week. He was running a little late for work on Tuesday when he got to the New York subway when 19 year old Cameron Hellopeter suffered a seizure and fell onto the tracks shortly before an oncoming train was approaching. Wesley's only selfless thought was that something had to be done, and fast. Before he jumped, he asked two woman standing next to him to keep an eye on his 2 daughters. He jumped onto the tracks and since he knew he didn't have enough time to physically take Cameron back to the platform, he threw himself onto Cameron to stop him from moving. Wesley was about 2 inches from the train who pulled the brakes when it saw someone on the tracks, but the train did not stop fast enough. With Wesley's 2 youngers daughters looking on in horror, he told the woman looking after them to tell his daughters that he was OK! The two men stayed on the tracks for about 20 minutes until the 3rd rail, which is a live rail, was shut off. Since Tuesday, Wesley has been showered from gifts. He's received $10,000 from Donald Trump, a year of free subway rides, $2,500 from the New York Film Academy to start a scholarship for his daughters, tickets and backstage tour to the Lion King, although I did not see it, he was on the Letterman show and will be flown to the Ellen DeGeneres show sometime next week. He also received a trip to Disney World and a medal from the mayor of New York. Wesley Autrey is a true hero and deserves everything he has received. There aren't a lot of people who would have done what Wesley did and for that he has been and will probably continue to be, well rewarded. Cameron remained in the hospital in stable condition and has since thanked Wesley for saving his life. The 2 families plan to have a "nice dinner' when Cameron is out of the hospital.

Wesley is not the only hero this week. They say good or bad things happen in 3's. On Wednesday, 3 police officers delivered a baby on a Brooklyn subway platform. And on Thursday, a 3 year old boy fell off a 4th floor fire escape at a Bronx apartment building and nearly escaped death when 2 men who happened to be just passing by, caught the falling boy. Talk about being in the right place at the right time.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

You call this Winter?

My blog resolution was or is to post something every day. I was a little lazy towards the end of 2006, and whether it's something really small or something news or blog-worthy, I'm hoping to post something at least daily , if not, every other day. So, here it goes, my first post of 2007 and I think I will just mention the weather for a moment. How unusually warm it's been for a winter in Boston. Most other winters by now, we would have already had at least a couple of inches on the ground, maybe more. No, not this winter. December was officially the warmest we've had in history! Today is Inauguartion day for Deval Patrick and he will not only be the first black Govenor for the state of Massachusetts, but he is also the first Govenor-elect to hold his inauguration outdoors. I'm sure people thought he was a little crazy to hold his inauguration outdoors in the beginning of January, and if anyone ever had a thought in their minds that today, which has been scheduled for weeks, would be in the mid to upper 50's, we'd call them crazy. He's definitely making history, in more ways than one! The weather forecasters predict warmer than normal temperatures at least until Sunday, and even after that, who knows... it might reach 80! It's happened before in January in Boston.
Who I feel most badly for with this warm weather are the skiers and the mountains. There are a lit of skiers in New England and by now, I'm sure mountain made snow is probably not enough for the amount of snow they need. I'm sure they never thought business would be this slow. Sure, we've had winters that haven't exactly been filled with snow, but this is rediculous. I'm not one for huge snow storms (especially since I live in Boston.. and if you live in a city where street parking is bad enough when there's no snow on the ground, let alone a foot of snow, you kind of hope the snow stays away!) But in this case, those mountains are really hurting, and there's nothing anyone can do, but pray, pray for a good storm to make winter, actually feel like winter!