Sara's Sentiments

Random thoughts of yesterday,today and tomorrow...

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Year End, New Year

Today is my last post of the year. It's a sad, yet very exciting time of year. I've had a great year, a year that has flown by. Everyone always says that though... "this year flew by!" They always fly by, just like the days, weeks and months. I used to be one for thinking that New Years Eve was this incredible, really exciting night. Don't get me wrong, it's still exciting, I just don't think it's as great as it used to be when I was younger. My friends and I would get all dressed up and go out partying, with party hats, streamers, the whole thing. Those last 10 seconds are probably the most exciting part of the night. Last year, my boyfriend and I went to a small party/gathering, which was perfect. There were about 12 of us, and we just sat around watching TV, and drinking. The last 10 seconds when the ball was dropping, everyone got up and counted down and that was it. The rush was over and it was 2006. Another year gone and a brand new year ahead.

It's that time of year ag
ain, and there are about 7.5 hours left till that 10 second countdown. I suppose it just doesn't feel like New Years. Heck, it doesn't even feel like December with the abnormally warm temperatures. But anyway, it is the last day of the year and in a few hours, it will be 2007. It has been a great year and hopefully next year will be an even greater year. So, put your party hats on, get a drink in hand and ring in the New Year with family, friends and loved ones.

Happy New Year, Happy 2007!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

My Blog Vacation

I suppose you can say it's been a while, but my only excuse for not posting anything since the last time, is simply because there just hasn't been anything worth posting. Nothing Blog-worthy. Until I got an e-mail from Marty, asking where I have been, I didn't really think that I had been missed. Who knows, maybe he's the only one who has missed reading my blogs. Although, I hope that's not true.

Let's see, in the past couple of weeks I have been absent from my blog, I have purchased a new car and traded in my old one. I got the same car, just an newer model. I've had it for exactly 3 weeks and 1 day, and someone has already backed up, and "hit" my car. There is no dent, but there's a bit of a white paint scratch on the rear passengers side near the tire. I think I might be able to get the paint off, but it's what's under the paint that I'm a little nervous about. I think I saw a little paint chip. This is why I hate Boston. This kind of thing would never happen in the Suburbs and if it did, maybe, just maybe, someone would perhaps leave a note. Altghough, very unlikely.

It's Christmas Eve and what I did one year, before I met Todd, was go to the Matzo Ball- it's an event for Jewish singles to mingle and hopefully meet someone while the rest of the world is having their Christmas dinner. What happens, is you go to the Matzo Ball on Christmas Eve, and then Christmas day, since nothing is open, you go to a movie and then out for Chinese Food. Its the typical day in the life of a Jew. That's what I used to do. Until last year... I met Todd and I no longer do the movie/Chinese food thing. His parents have their entire family over for a "Hanukah/Christmas" dinner. I think it's prefect... it's really the one time a year that the entire family has nothing else to do, except to celebrate together, like the rest of the world. This year, my parents and grandfather are invited and have accepted the invitation. My parents and brothers/sister's in law have met Todd's parents, sister and brother in law, but my parents and grandfather have yet to meet the rest of Todd's family. I think everything will work out fine. My camera is charging and I'm sure everything will go smoothly... that is, if my parents and grandfather do not embarass me.

My New Year's resolution is to keep my blog up to date and post more often. After all, Marty won't know what I or todd are up to these days, which in all honestly, is not much!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Lady(ies) in Red

It's always one thing and a little annoying when you go to a party and someone is wearing the same thing as you are. But when it's Hollywood style or at least Washington style, 3 women arrived to a party wearing the same dress as the First Lady, Laura Bush herself. It was a $8,500 Oscar de la Renta red dress in which seemed to be very popular. The First Lady changed her outfit mid evening. After all, she is the only one who should be wearing something that no one else is, right?

Monday, December 04, 2006

New clothes, New car

It's always exciting when you buy new things. Last weekend, I was brave and went out on Black Friday on my day off from work. But, to my surprise, traffic was like any other mid-day traffic. The parking lots were filled up with cars, but there wasn't the usual 20 minute wait just to get into the parking lot at the mall. I wasn't really in a rush to get in or out since I was waiting for Todd to get home from work, so I drive into the lot, didn't even have to make a full round for a spot, there were actually more people coming out at the time, so it was easy. I went to Old Navy and got some new clothes, which I was in need of. If you're reading this and you're female, you know exacty what I mean. Clothes get boring after a while, and you know you're in need of something new when it takes you 20 minutes to find an outfit that will eventually make you 20 minutes late for work. Which I was before I got my new clothes.

But latest big purchase is a new car! I realize that I'm going from one extreme to another, but I think I need a new car, probably more than I needed the new clothese that I got. I went in for what I thought was just going to be a test drive, and was eventually signing papers! I test drove a VW Passat, which I liked, but did not love. I've wanted a passat for a long time now, but never drove one. I had narrowed my choices based on price, to the Passat and the Honda Accord. I already own an Accord so I didn't really think I needed to test one. That was until Todd told me I was crazy for not testing one simply b/c I already owned one. I've had my car for 8 years... something tells me the newer models drive differently, perhaps a little better? So, we left the VW dealership around noon and decided since we didn't have anything planned but to look for cars, that we'd take a ride to the Bernardi Honda dealership in Natick. We walked in and were immediately greeted by a sales guy. Car shopping is entirely different from clothes shopping. When you're looking at clothes and a sales associate comes over, you can easily tell them you're just looking and that if you have questions, you'll ask. When you walk into a car dealership, they automatically shake your hand and introduce themselves to you and they get as much info as to what you're looking for as possible so they know what to offer or show you. I only had 2 things I needed: side airbags and a navigation system, no other bells and whistles. Apparently those are very big bells & whistles! So, I told him my price range and he thought he might be wasting my time, until he offered me to test drive a car he thought I'd like. He pulled the car around, I adjusted my seat and mirrors and off we went for my test drive. The car drove very smoothly - it was nice to drive a car that had brakes that actually worked! We got back to the dealership to sit and talk. He made me an offer that was pretty close to what my price range was and I told him I'd think about it. I called back about 3 hours later with a counter-offer and we were back at the dealership within the hour counter-offering eachother until they met me half way. I'm definitely in that large percentage of people who just go in for a test drive and do not plan to buy anything... but end the end, they do. SO, I signed some papers for my brand new 2007 Honda Accord. I pick up my new car next Monday. I love my car (my current car) but since it's not very reliable these days and I've basically driven it into the ground, I'm happy to clean it out and say good-bye.