Sara's Sentiments

Random thoughts of yesterday,today and tomorrow...

Sunday, December 24, 2006

My Blog Vacation

I suppose you can say it's been a while, but my only excuse for not posting anything since the last time, is simply because there just hasn't been anything worth posting. Nothing Blog-worthy. Until I got an e-mail from Marty, asking where I have been, I didn't really think that I had been missed. Who knows, maybe he's the only one who has missed reading my blogs. Although, I hope that's not true.

Let's see, in the past couple of weeks I have been absent from my blog, I have purchased a new car and traded in my old one. I got the same car, just an newer model. I've had it for exactly 3 weeks and 1 day, and someone has already backed up, and "hit" my car. There is no dent, but there's a bit of a white paint scratch on the rear passengers side near the tire. I think I might be able to get the paint off, but it's what's under the paint that I'm a little nervous about. I think I saw a little paint chip. This is why I hate Boston. This kind of thing would never happen in the Suburbs and if it did, maybe, just maybe, someone would perhaps leave a note. Altghough, very unlikely.

It's Christmas Eve and what I did one year, before I met Todd, was go to the Matzo Ball- it's an event for Jewish singles to mingle and hopefully meet someone while the rest of the world is having their Christmas dinner. What happens, is you go to the Matzo Ball on Christmas Eve, and then Christmas day, since nothing is open, you go to a movie and then out for Chinese Food. Its the typical day in the life of a Jew. That's what I used to do. Until last year... I met Todd and I no longer do the movie/Chinese food thing. His parents have their entire family over for a "Hanukah/Christmas" dinner. I think it's prefect... it's really the one time a year that the entire family has nothing else to do, except to celebrate together, like the rest of the world. This year, my parents and grandfather are invited and have accepted the invitation. My parents and brothers/sister's in law have met Todd's parents, sister and brother in law, but my parents and grandfather have yet to meet the rest of Todd's family. I think everything will work out fine. My camera is charging and I'm sure everything will go smoothly... that is, if my parents and grandfather do not embarass me.

My New Year's resolution is to keep my blog up to date and post more often. After all, Marty won't know what I or todd are up to these days, which in all honestly, is not much!


Blogger Martin said...

woo hoo! welcome back -- and merry xmas! :-)

12/26/2006 7:20 AM  

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