Sara's Sentiments

Random thoughts of yesterday,today and tomorrow...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

It's been a while...

It's definitely been a while since my last posting and for that I have no other reason, besides being lazy. I also haven't had too much to write about. I have a friend who works at a children's hospital in Cincinnati and she brought something to my attention which I thought was very true and worth noting. She said that the gift shop at the hospital where she works, always has a window display that is always very creative and fun to look at. But she said they seemed to have gone from their last display and jumped directly to Christmas. Isn't Thanksgiving a holiday??? It's probably one of the more well-known holidays that the entire world celebrates. They didn't have any fake leaves or a turkey stuff animal? They couldn't dress the mannequins up as pilgrims? They couldn't have gotten a few pumpkins? I find it very hard to believe that they couldn't have come up with anything for Thanksgiving.

I know that Christmas is a very exciting time of year, especially for those who celebrate it, which seems like a lot of people. You can be a Jew and still celebrate Christmas. Take my nephews for instance. Their father (my brother) is Jewish and their mother is Irish-Catholic. The boys were baptized byut they still celebrate both holidays and they think they are both fun to celebrate. My mother does a pretty good job of making the Jewish holidays fun for the kids. My other brother, his wife is Prodestan and she is raising her twin son and daughter Jewish. My sister in law takes them to church on the high holidays and they celebrate Christmas with her family. I think although my niece and nephews will be a certain religion from birth, they are able to celebrate both holidays equally. So, that brings me to my next question... will the gift shop at my friends hospital go from a Christmas display and jump right to New Years and skip Chanukah? Hmmm..........


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