Sara's Sentiments

Random thoughts of yesterday,today and tomorrow...

Friday, February 02, 2007

Happy Groundhog Day!

I only make so many New Years Resolutions and I try to keep them. But it seems that I have already failed at one already. I have not been good at keeping my blog updated. I am going to try harder as it seems lately there is a lot to talk about. Today is Groundhog Day, which is a superstition that the German's believed that if a hibernating animal cast a shadow on Feb. 2 -- the Christian holiday of Candlemas -- winter would last another six weeks. If no shadow was seen, legend said spring would come early. And every year, it's as if it's the same thing, year after year. Punxsutawney Phil comes out of his "home" sees his shadow and runs back home and there we have it, 6 more weeks of winter. Bill Deeley, the groundhog handler, pulled the little guy out of hibernation for over 15 years, ,who haswas replaced today by Punxsutawney Groundhog Club Inner Circle members John Griffiths and Ben Hughes. Who knew there was such a thing!? I am not convinced that when he does see his shadow that it's from the natural light. There are so many lights and camera's around, anyone would see a shadow! Well, not today, Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow for only the 15th time since 1886. Wow, that's a really old Groundhog!! The last time the little groundhog saw his shadaow was back in 1999. This year, I don't think we needed a Groundhog to tell us how long winter would be. After all, we had an unusually warm winter, and it was 67 degrees on January 6th! We didn't have our first snow fall until a few weeks ago and that was only a dusting. Somehow, I think we all knew that winter wouldn't last long. But I also think it's sort of funny that we let a rodent predict how long winter will be! I think snow is very pretty, but it can also be a pain. So, I am happy to hear that Spring will be arriving early!

Oh, and by the way, Scientists are now saying that Human's are the cause for the El Nino/Global Warming!


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