Sara's Sentiments

Random thoughts of yesterday,today and tomorrow...

Monday, August 28, 2006

I was a Jersey Girl...

for about 24 hours anyway... I went to NJ this past weekend to visit a friend from high school. It was a weekend that had been planned months ago. The plan (on my part anyway) was to leave Friday night after work and although there would have been enough trafic to want to plead temporary insanity, I was willing to put up with it for a few hours. The person whom I was going with did not want to leave on Friday, she wanted to leave on Saturday... so I caved in and that was the plan. I had offered to drive, I traded cars with my mom who has a GPS system - much easier having your car tell you how to get there instead of having hand-written directions! I had loaded my friends address into the GPS as well as the address of the friend whom I was driving down with, to pick her up. I was all set to go. My friend who lives in NJ had e-mailed us both during the week trying to put together a few activities to do and I had recommended going to see the Statue of Liberty. I hadn't been there in about 20 years, and although I'm sure things haven't changed much, besides more intense security due to 9/11, I still wanted to go see it. After thinking about that, I checked the weather report just in case and the forecast called for cloudy skies with scattered showers. No big Deal, we'll do something else. So, Friday after work, I went home and hung out on my couch and watched re-runs of t.v shows that aren't even on anymore. I watched What I Like About You with Jennie Garth and Amanda Bynes ( I think they realized I was the only one who watched that show and cancelled it... thanks WB! Twins, with Sarah Gilbert, that show was destined to be a disaster, and Reba with... Reba. I got into bed nice and early since I had to be up at 6am to meet my friend at 7. I got out of the shower at 6:15, and heard my cell phone beep - I had missed a call and had a message. I didn't recognize the number but soon realized that it was my friend who I was meeting in 45 minutes. I listened to the message and not only was she running late, but she was backing out!! I was rip sh*t at first, who can blame me?? Her dog was sick and no one was home and she didn't know what to do. So, being a good person, I told her not to worry about it, take care of the dogs and to have a good weekend. I didn't care about driving down to New Jersey alone, what I cared about was the fact that I had waited until Saturday to leave b/c that's what she wanted!! Oh well, things happen that you can't control... I made the best of the drive by listening to the radio and my iPod on the way down and I was there a lot faster than I thought!
I got there at 11 and we hung out for about an hour or so and then went out for lunch to a place call Black River Barn in Morristown, NJ. It was a lousy day - very cold and raw. Not a good day to spend it outdoors. After lunch, we went shopping, but I didn't buy anything. I guess I just wasn't in the mood - maybe it was the weather? Who knows. When we got back from shopping, or our intentions to shop and possible even buy something, we went back to my friend and her husbands house and watched their wedding video. They just got married in February, in Florida. After watching the video, we went out for drinks and then for dinner, I was in bed by 9:55! I was pooped... waking up at 6 to be on the road by 6:45, driving for 4 hours and all on a dreary day, it can make you tired!! I read my book, Confessions of a Shoppaholic - great trash book if you're into that stuff, and the next thing I knew, it was 6am! I woke up with a splitting headache - drinking wine does that to me... expecially if I don't take anything to prevent it the night before, which I didn't. I took some exederin and went to bed until around 9am. I got up and ready to go and was on the road to head home by 10am. It was a very quick trip, but it was fun and well-worth it to see my friend.

I have to admit, I couldn't wait to get home to see my boyfriend who had been away in Maine all weekend. Absence definitely makes heart grow fonder!


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