Sara's Sentiments

Random thoughts of yesterday,today and tomorrow...

Saturday, July 29, 2006

I love reading other people's Blogs

Reading other people's blogs is so enteraining to me. I read them daily and find it so interesting to read what others have to say. I think my life is relatively normal and only exciting every so often, but when I came across this blog that my boyfriend's friend had posted on his blog, I had to read it. I read it once and found it to be so entertaining that I now read it every day. Click here to check it out. This girl Emily (the blog is actually called "That Girl Emily") has thousands of hits on a daily basis b/c she will most likely be going through what may seem like, a nasty divorce b/c of her cheating husband. The things she has done so far for revenge against her husband are what I'm sure any pissed off soon to be ex-wife would do. Between renting a billboard, spray painting a car and buying every women in his office a dozen roses - using his credit card to pay for everything are just a few of the things she has done. I guess this is just a glimpse of what women are really capable of doing when men piss us off!! The moral behind all of the things she has done so far? Do NOT sleep with your wife's best friend.... it'll only make your life absolutely miserable!! By the way, That Girl Emily? It's all fake. What a bummer.


Blogger Martin said...

Just checking: you do know the That Girl Emily site is totally fake, right? It's all made up. Funny as hell, but not real. Just checking. :-)

8/01/2006 2:48 PM  

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