Sara's Sentiments

Random thoughts of yesterday,today and tomorrow...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Not even Hump Day yet...

Do you ever get the feeling that you just want the week to be somewhat over, yet you have so much to do until that can happen? I feel like this week should fly by since I have a lot to do before this weekend, but it doesn't seem to be working that way, unfortunately. This morning, I woke up to horrible news, and if you live in Boston, and you need to get to the Airport, you might want to think again! A 40-foot piece of the ceiling in the tunnel that connects I-93 to the Ted William's Tunnel came crashing down on someone's car last night at around 11pm. The driver managed to sneak out of a 6-12 inch space. His wife of only 2 years, who was sitting in the passengers seat, did not survive. All they were doing was picking up a family member from the airport. Sometimes, being in the right place, but at the wrong time can end your life!

Imagine that... you're just driving along and BAM! you're crushed to death. You don't even have a second to think. That's why you need to treat every day as if it were your last.

On a happier note!... I've got a fun-filled night of cleaning ahead of me!! wohoooo - party time!!


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