Sara's Sentiments

Random thoughts of yesterday,today and tomorrow...

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Hayley's legs will be missed

It seems as though, as horrible as Sanjaya is, that the one time Simon Cowell makes a positive comment about him that he will probably make it another week (not including this one). I just don't get it. For me, it's hard to even look at him. How could he possibly make it this far? How could so many girls who are probably at the age where they are just starting to like boys, make it possible for him to stick around this long? It has to be those girls that are calling in for him. He's basking in his glory right now, even though he knows that he is not there for his voice. I actually don't really know what he's there for, really. It can't be his hair (or maybe it is). Whatever it is that is keeping him on the show, needs to stop. People can't be serious. I just really hope that he is not in the final 3, but even worse, the final 2. I am rooting for Jordin Sparks. At first I thought LaKisha might be crowned the next American Idol, but I quickly changed my mind to Jordin. She is flawless. She's only 17 years old, she's beautiful and the girl knows how to sing! She has fun with it because she knows that she's good and that the audience loves her. Let's just hope that in May, when there are 3 finalist, Sanjaya is not one of them. I will stop watching the show immediately as I'm sure and hope that others will too. Poor Haley and Simon's comments about her legs. I am not a guy, so it's really not something I will miss, but Haley really wasn't going to go much further. She can sing, a little, but the limited amount of clothes she was wearing towards the end... c'mon! This is a family show - there's no need to prance around on stage wearing daisy-dukes and high heels. People are not going to vote for you based on the few articles of clothing you are wearing - it's pretty clear since she's now gone. Sorry Marty... maybe she's no longer with her fiance and you can finally have your chance :)


Blogger Martin said...

Thanks, Sara. I need all the support I can get today.

4/12/2007 6:59 AM  

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