Sara's Sentiments

Random thoughts of yesterday,today and tomorrow...

Thursday, September 28, 2006

For Sale

Ok, so it's been a few days since my last posting, but lately my weeks have been pre-occupied with getting both mine and my boyfriend Todd's condo ready to go on the market. Since this is the first place that I've ever owned, I didn't realize how much there was to do with getting a condo ready to go on the market. We already have a realtor, so that was the easy part. The hard part is making our places look bigger than they really are. The harder part will be trying to sell them. We're probably wasting our time putting them on the market, but it can't hurt to at least try. We're going to give it a few weeks and if nothing happen, we'll move to plan B, which might either be renting our places out and renting a place together, or, something else. Who knows. It's times like this when I wish that we either didn't own our places or that at least one of us owned and the other rented. It would be ideal if a lease up, but that would be too easy. Todd and I are unfortunately, pack rats. We keep things around "in case we'll need them later", which we usually don't in the long run. I have things in my apt that could have been thrown out a week after I bought them and I also have things in my apt that never should have been purchased. Up until yesterday, I had a lot of clutter - which you would never know, but I HATE clutter. I had my mother, who used to be a realtor, come over to my place yesterday and sort of un-clutter things. Since she knows what what people will look at (whih is basically everything) and she knows what a place should look like when you're trying to sell it. It's supposed to look like it does now, which is clutter-free and completely spotless. I do need new blinds, which I plan to purchase this weekend -hopefully on Saturday. My mom also took home most of my summer clothes and some of the clothes she didn't know if I wore or not. The summer clothes that she took home are fine, but when I got home last night, I realized how much more she took home. I'll put it this way, it was a little hard trying to find something to wear for work this morning, but I managed to put something together. It's a good thing I can wear jeans to work, otherwise I'd be in trouble. I think I'll be heading to my parents house on Saturday to take a few things back.


Blogger Martin said...

And here, I thought those photos were actually of your closet. I was going to hire your mother to un-clutter my apartment too! :-) But seriously, if only I was in the market to buy a place right now ... Oh well.

9/28/2006 7:15 AM  

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